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Strategic Social Media Marketing Approach

current trends in social media marketing

If you are an executive or a manager, it is time for you to think about the strategic approach to social media marketing. There are four major approaches to strategic marketing via social media: Pre-strategic (Analytics-driven), Cross-functional (Cross-functional), and Interdisciplinary. Which approach suits you best? Continue reading to discover more. First, let's talk about strategic social media marketing. What are its benefits and limitations? How can you use it to your advantage?


Many people believe that social media is a powerful tool for helping businesses sell their products and services. They believe that social media provides a unique opportunity for customers to be contacted and information can be obtained through the platform. While social media can be used to sell products and services, many companies do not have a documented strategy for social media marketing. The German Institute for Marketing has found that less than half of all businesses have a plan for social media marketing.

Before you launch your social-media campaign, it's important to know the strategies of your rivals. This is easier than it seems. To find your competitors, you can perform a Google Search using key phrases and keywords. You can then compare the strategies of your competitors across various social media platforms once you have identified them. You shouldn't copy their campaigns. It's better to learn what worked for them, and how you can improve your own campaign.


Reputable SEO companies are essential for social media marketing success. They can help develop a social-media marketing strategy that is focused upon metrics and retargeting. A professional SEO company will get your products seen by the people most likely and help them sell more. Hootsuite offers a social-media management platform.

how can content marketing help a business

Percolate is another analytics driven social media marketing tool. This software helps community managers to identify and develop high-quality content, improve their productivity, and streamline routine tasks. It is specifically designed for B2B organizations, so you can efficiently distribute large quantities of content. Percolate can quickly create and execute campaigns. The ROI of social media marketing can be justified by analysing your social media metrics. But how do you use analytics for social media?


Companies should form cross-functional social marketing teams, rather than relying only on one person to handle social networks. These teams allow marketing to leverage the full benefits of social media. These teams can better match employees and customers at the right moment. David Packard once said "Marketing is too crucial to leave to marketers." The same applies to social media. Your company will get the best out of social media if it has a cross-functional team that includes customer service and marketing.

People from different departments can work together in a cross-functional team to help customers and focus on their segments. Although it is a good thing, it can cause bottlenecks. It can institutionalize task-switching, which can disrupt workflow and cause time-consuming delays. According to the American Psychological Association 40% of people have difficulty working with cross-functional teams. This can be beneficial for marketing but it can also have a negative impact on the bottom line.


Your B2B social media marketing efforts will be more successful if you have an integrated strategy. B2B customers cannot distinguish between B2C brand and B2B brands. Therefore, social media cannot be managed by just one department. Integration is the key ingredient to success. Integration is key to a successful B2B strategy for social media marketing.

e learning social media marketing

It is essential to ensure that all members communicate well and are in alignment when forming an interdependent team. This will make the team more productive and allow each member to see different perspectives and ideas. The interdisciplinary approach to marketing social media can also be a great way for your team to draw on their diverse expertise. Each team should participate in an inter-disciplinary social media marketing strategy. When you create an interdisciplinarity team, you can use the expertise of existing members and recruit top talent.


Is Content Marketing right for me?

Absolutely! Content Marketing works well for any type of business. Whether you sell products or services, provide support, or offer training, creating content is a great way for customers to learn about your company and stay connected.

Are I better off working with a team or doing content marketing on my own?

Your budget, skills, and experience will all play a role in the answer. If you don't have the resources available to hire someone to take care of the day-to-day content creation, distribution, and optimization tasks, you will need to learn how to do it yourself.

Content marketing is something you must do if you are serious about being successful.

A good content strategist or agency can save you time and money while helping you get results faster.

You won't succeed unless you work hard, consistently deliver high-quality content and keep up with changing trends. That's why having a solid content strategy in place is vital.

What amount should I spend on content marketing?

The number of leads that you are looking to generate will determine how much. Depending on your industry, the average cost per lead is between $5 and $10. As an example, 20 dollars per lead was the cost of our first business. Now we spend $6-7 per leads.

What if I post only links to other sites' content.

Yes! This is link building. It's a great way increase traffic to your site by linking to other sites. But only link to reliable sources.

What makes content marketing different to traditional advertising?

Traditional advertising focuses on getting attention, while content marketing focuses on providing value. Traditional advertising can be a waste of money as most people ignore it. With content marketing, however, you'll see much higher engagement rates.


  • To further show the importance of this, 89% of people have stopped doing business with a company because of a poor experience. (neilpatel.com)
  • Measure your goals with a progress indicator of 0-100%. Make your goals collaborative and transparent (semrush.com)
  • Progress indicators (0–100%) allow each team member to see how attainable each goal is and understand what remains to be accomplished. (semrush.com)
  • We found that 40% of businesses don't have a documented strategy yet. (semrush.com)
  • According to research compiled by Coschedule: Companies that publish 16+ blog posts a month get as much as 3.5x as much traffic as those that publish 0-4 posts a month. (criteo.com)
  • This marketing strategy landed Ford a 15.4% conversion rate. (neilpatel.com)
  • Forty-seven percent of buyers view 3 to 5 pieces of content before engaging with a sales representative. (mailchimp.com)
  • According to our research, 65% of companies with very successful content marketing in 2021 ran content audits at least twice a year. (semrush.com)

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How To

What are the top content marketing platforms available?

While no platform works for all industries, there are some that work well in certain industries. Hubspot is a popular tool among marketers because it has been proven to increase conversions by 50%.

But not all tools are created equal. Some tools provide better analytics tracking and some allow for easier collaboration among different teams. Other tools have features like A/B testing, which may help you improve your content marketing ROI.

Before you decide on a platform, think about the following: What are their pros and cons? Will it meet my needs now? And what about in 2 Years?

Entrepreneur Magazine has identified the top five content marketing platforms.

Marketo Content Studio is the #1 Content Marketing Platform

Marketo, a software company that provides enterprise social media management software, is available. It offers a full range of services and products, including CRM software as well as social publishing tools and dashboards.

The company also offers a content studio, which gives businesses access to pre-made templates and graphics. These can then be modified into customized designs.

This means you don’t need time to create new graphics and write unique content. Instead, you can concentrate on creating compelling content that speaks directly for your audience.

Marketo allows you to easily add images and videos to your blog posts. This is one of the reasons Marketo has been so successful. This helps make them visually appealing and increases engagement with your readers.

Marketo is the only way to edit your video and image files.

Trello: Content marketing platform#2

Trello can be compared to Kanban boards for project management. Both offer lists of tasks that can be assigned and tracked by users.

Trello allows team members to create their own boards and assign them specific responsibilities. It also provides a convenient workflow for sharing information between workers.

Trello does not require special software to operate, unlike Kanban boards. Trello can be used on almost any device.

Trello is a great way to invite people and collaborate on projects without having access to sensitive data.

You can also create a private board to share only the essential information to the people who are required to complete a task.

Google Suite - Content Marketing Platform 3

Google offers many products that are specifically tailored for business owners. The company's G Suite includes Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, and more.

It is important to remember that these applications can't be free. Each user must be paid individually. However, if you are planning to use them all for different purposes, several plans start at $5 a month.

To create a new document and embed a link to another website, two licenses would be required.

You can create one document for free if you only need it.

Google tools integrates well with Gmail, which is a significant benefit. Google tools can be used to send documents links via email, and you can store data in Google Drive.

Hubspot Content Management Platform 4

HubSpot, a web-based marketing tool with a lot of functionality, is highly popular.

Through its platform, users can manage different aspects of their websites, landing page, and blogs. Users can track conversions and create automated email campaigns.

HubSpot is also integrated with Salesforce and WordPress, meaning you can connect all three platforms.

One of the most valuable features of HubSpot is that it integrates with over 200 different third-party apps. This allows you automation and reports generation based on real-time statistics.

While you won't be able to publish content directly from HubSpot, you can export it into many formats, including HTML, PDF, and Word.

When it comes to pricing, HubSpot offers a free trial version. But once you upgrade to the paid account, you get unlimited access to everything.

So whether you are looking for a blog platform, an eCommerce solution, or anything else, try out HubSpot today.



Strategic Social Media Marketing Approach