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Email Marketing Stats 2020

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Email is the best way to communicate directly with customers. But, it's crucial to understand different email marketing statistics. It is important to understand the purpose of an email. What are your primary goals? Do you aim to sell? Do you want brand awareness? Or, are you simply trying to promote a product? These are just four goals for email campaigns, but they are crucial to the success of your business.

You must first understand the behavior of your audience to understand how effective your email marketing campaigns. How many people have purchased a product or service? Marketers should have this information. An average open-rate for promotional emails is 14.1%. The average click-through rate of an e-mail, however, is 0.7%. The lowest CTR, however, is 0.16%. The unsubscribe rates are the exact same.

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You can also examine email click-through rates in addition to conversion rates. This will help you understand whether your subject lines are working or not, and whether you're sending the right emails. The open rate is the percentage of people who open an email you have sent, divided by how many emails it has been. Most email providers provide this data, so you can use it to optimize your marketing strategy. Consider hiring a third party provider to track your open-rate if it is not clear how you can calculate it.

Email marketing statistics reveal that 28% subscribers desire promotional offers being sent twice or even three times per week. Email recipients expect emails on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Weekends have the lowest open rate and weekend unsubscribe/abuse rates. If you want to improve your email marketing strategy, try a free 60-day trial. It's not too late.

Mobile devices are the most used way to reach customers. This is one of the most important statistics in email marketing. Nearly 40% access their email through a mobile device. Additionally, almost half of all consumers check their email at least once a day. 74% of Baby Boomers prefer email over other communication methods. This is a great statistic to remember as it allows you customize your emails for each person. It is the perfect time for a creative email subject.

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Emails are a great method to reach your customers. If you create relevant and personal content, it will give you a better understanding of your audience. This means you can increase your open rate and increase your click-through rate. Email newsletters are an excellent way to attract new customers. Sending newsletters to your email list is a great way to get new customers to your site.


What is the goal of content-marketing?

Content marketing is about creating valuable and relevant content for customers. This can be done via email campaigns, blog posts, white papers, and other channels. It is important to provide value to your target audience.

How does content marketing work

Content marketing works because you create valuable and engaging content that adds value.

Building relationships with your audience is possible when you share useful information, solve problems, entertain or engage them. Positive messages from trusted brands are more popular than negative ones.

People love reading about things they are interested in. Your readers will keep coming back for more when you write something interesting.

Your content should drive people to take action - whether buying your product, signing up for your newsletter, visiting your website, or sharing your article via social media.

Effective content marketing starts with compelling copy that is engaging your target market and gives them the information they need.

What is strategic marketing?

Content Marketing is about creating and sharing valuable content across multiple channels. It's about giving people what it is they want. This understanding is key to the success of any company.

Strategic Content Marketing ensures you give them exactly what they need at the right time.

It is important to understand what people care about, and to listen to their thoughts. You must then create content of high quality that addresses their concerns and solves them problems. This creates trust and loyalty that will ensure you are there when they need you.

What are the various content strategies?

Content strategy is a general term that describes all aspects of how content is created, managed, distributed, measured, and optimized for digital channels. This includes not only what you post on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, but also what you highlight on your website, blog and other online properties.

Content strategy is important as it lets you know where your attention should go, what content you should use, how to communicate your messages to your audience, and which types of content you should use.

It is about understanding how content fits within the overall business goals to help you achieve them.


  • According to the Content Marketing Institute, 70% of B2B marketers and 86% of B2C marketers surveyed use content marketing in some form or other. (criteo.com)
  • According to our research, brand awareness, attracting traffic, and generating leads remain the key content marketing goals in 2022. (semrush.com)
  • In fact, would pay more for a better customer experience, and 86% of B2B buyers would pay more. (neilpatel.com)
  • Measure your goals with a progress indicator of 0-100%. Make your goals collaborative and transparent (semrush.com)
  • This marketing strategy landed Ford a 15.4% conversion rate. (neilpatel.com)
  • Progress indicators (0–100%) allow each team member to see how attainable each goal is and understand what remains to be accomplished. (semrush.com)
  • According to research compiled by Coschedule: Companies that publish 16+ blog posts a month get as much as 3.5x as much traffic as those that publish 0-4 posts a month. (criteo.com)
  • Forty-seven percent of buyers view 3 to 5 pieces of content before engaging with a sales representative. (mailchimp.com)

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How To

Why should you create a Content Marketing Plan? Why Now?

It is easy to feel overwhelmed when you start content marketing. The truth is that you don't need all of the tasks at once. Start small.

Start With One Thing At A Time. Do not try to do too much at once. You will end up wasting time and not making any progress. Instead, keep your eyes on one thing at once until you have it mastered.

Start small. Don't worry about perfecting every aspect of your content marketing plan today. Only focus on one area of content marketing at time. You will become more comfortable as you work harder.

Take advantage of previous successes. Your social media following and reputation are already established. Why not use your existing network to help you grow? Reach out to influencers in your industry and ask if they'd be willing to promote your content. Create an event and invite bloggers.

Start somewhere even if you've never made content before. Start small. You might write a blog, host a webinar or just hold a Q&A session. Whatever you choose, make sure you can measure its effectiveness.



Email Marketing Stats 2020